Friday, 26 February 2010

Passive: Emphasis on the receivers

When we form passive voice. We want to emphasize the object or the receiver. In this case the subject or doer IS NOT IMPORTANT.

ActiveProfessor Villa gave Jorge an A.
PassiveAn A was given to Jorge by Professor Villa. (Emphasis on the A... not B nor C)
PassiveJorge was given an A by Professor Villa . (Emphasis on Jorge not Carlos nor Sonia)

Generally in basic levels, teachers teach us to place emphasis on the object: the things, the inventions, the products, the places...
Common examples are:
A marker is used to write on the board.
Coca Cola is sold around the world.
The light bulb was created by Thomas Alva Edison.
'Romeo and Juliet' was written by Shakespeare

Now, that you are an intermediate/ advanced student you should start using passive to emphasize people as the receivers of the actions.


Basic level: The company pays me well.
Intermediate/ advanced: I'm paid well (by the company).

Basic level: The teacher asked us to do a lot of homework.
Intermediate/ advanced: We were asked to do a lot of homework (by the teacher).

We use this structucture when the most important thing is the person. And this person receives/ received the action.... so s/he is passive!!

I was given thousand roses in my birth-day! (I didn't do anything... just received the roses ;) )

Some links to practise:

Emphasis on the two objects:

You want to convince us that you have the best job and a perfect life.
Example: My job is the best one. I'm allowed to arrive late and I'm not foced to give reports. Last month, I was sent to travel around Europe. It is said that a job like mine is difficult to find.

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